5 Pieces of Bad Self Publishing Advice and What To Do Instead

Although book publishing is an old business, the realities of self publishing are still growing and changing at a rapid pace.

But there are still a few pieces of bad advice that are floating out there in the world.

Publish Your First Draft

Whether you’re a fiction or non-fiction writer publishing your first draft is a very bad idea.

Not because you’re a bad writer or anything like that but simply as authors and writers unless we get help from an editor we tend to miss a lot of mistakes because we’re too close and too attached to the work to really notice it.

If you simply cannot afford an editor a simple hack to make your book better is to read it aloud to yourself and it’s even better if you can get somebody else to read it aloud for you.

Build It And They Will Come…

There may have been a point early on as an online publisher where you could expect the algorithm at Amazon and other places to send you free traffic.

But today there are literally millions of books on all kinds of subjects inside the Kindle store.

Chances are if you’re waiting for them to send you traffic you’re going to be waiting for a very, very long time for that day to come.

Instead go out there to your audience, start to interact with them, talk with them and let them know that you have a book that they should read!

Talk About Your Book Too Much

Have you ever been on a date and the person just talks about themselves too much?

Annoying, right?

It’s the same way when you’re just always trying to pitch your book all the time.

Instead of just trying to pitch all the time show your value and tell interesting stories, answer people’s questions show that you’re someone worth following and having in your readers life.

Not Investing Any Money

It doesn’t really matter who you are there simply is no way that you are a writer/editor/graphic designer/marketer/production designer/etc.

Well you can but chances are you won’t be very good at it.

Instead concentrate on finding people who are more capable than you are in those areas that you really need help in.

My highest recommendation is to find a fantastic book cover designer as a good book cover design can make all the difference in the world for your books success.

It’s All About The Money

If you want to create a truly great book then it can’t all be about how many sales you can get with your book.

You have to care about the subject matter on some other level and want it to help people in some way.

Caring will elevate your work and your power as an author.


Ready to get started publishing your own book?  

Check out this guide on publishing your own book on Kindle.


Source Material: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/140315344619503238/http://www.jenniferellision.com/2015/11/23/5-pieces-bad-self-publishing-advice/